Brief note on NEC Meeting of ITPF Held in Hyderabad on 16.04.2018

Brief Note on the National Executive Committee Meeting of the Income Tax Pensioners Federation  Held in Hyderabad on 16.04.2018

The National Executive Committee (NEC) of the Income Tax Pensioners Federation (ITPF) was held in the AN of 16.04.2018 at the Auditorium, Income Tax Office, AC Guards Hyderabad, Hyderabad.  The meeting was hosted by the ITPA, Andhra Pradesh & Telengana Unit.  The National Executive Committee was preceded by the General Body Meeting of the, Andhra Pradesh & Telengana Unit in the Forenoon session in the same venue and all the representatives who came for the NEC meeting attended the GB meeting as guest participants.

2.        The NEC meeting was chaired by Com. Umesh Mehta President of the ITPF and was attended by Com. Shri KKN Kutty, Secretary General, ITPF, Com. Shri.   Sharma, Vice President, Other HQ office bearers and Secretariat members.  The Tamil Nadu Unit was represented by Com. Shri. M L Perumal, General Secretary and Com. Shri. P Venu, EC Member.  The meeting was well attended by the representatives from other state units.

3.        During the deliberations it was decided to conduct the National EC meeting once in six months instead of the present time limit of three months.  The Tamil Nadu Unit agreed to host the next NEC meeting sometime in October / November -2018. The exact date will be decided as per mutual convenience of the host unit and National HQ.

4.        It was decided to expedite the Registration work of the ITPF and the work was entrusted to Shri Sharma Vice President of the ITPF and the State Units were requested to contact him for completing the paper work.  Similarly, it was decided to make Com. Shri Burman from Bengal Unit as in charge of the NCCPA News letter and the state units were requested to contact him for magazine subscription and other related work.

5.        Upon specific enquiry from our Unit the Secretary General replied that the proposal to convert the Postal Dispensary in Trichy into a CGHS Wellness Centre has been agreed in principle by the Govt. and may take some more time for the proposal to take a concrete shape.

6.        The issue of the latest SC judgment in the case SR Jha permitting the CG staff to take treatment in non–empanelled hospitals and claim full reimbursement and it’s implications was discussed.

7.        It is also decided to pursue Option No. 1 recommended by the 7th CPC on pension and also other demands mentioned in the Charter of Demands as per NCCPA.

8.        The participants were requested to find out methods to augment the financial resources of the State units as well as the Central HQ.  The participating Units spoke about their organizational strength and problems faced by them.  It was generally agreed that the work of revising the pension is making a satisfactory and steady progress in all the states except a few aberrations in specific cases.

The meeting ended at 6.30 PM.

TNITPA, Chennai.


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