Annual GB Meeting for the FY 2020-21

Tamil Nadu Income Tax Pensioners Association


Dt: 11.04.2022

Annual General Body Notice

     The annual GB meeting of the TNITPA relating to the FY 20-21  is proposed to be held on 02.05.2022 Monday Forenoon at 10.30 AM in the IT Auditorium, Ayakar Bhavan, Chennai. All the members are invited and requested to attend the meeting .The agenda of the meeting is as under. Audited accounts and auditors report for the FY 20-21 are enclosed herewith.


1.Prayer song

2.Welcome address by Vice President 

3.Presidents address 

4.Condolence Resolution for the departed comrades. 

5.Felicitation by the Special invitees.

6.Tea break .

7.Submission of minutes of previous AGM 

8.Submission of Accounts by Treasurer. 

9.Secretary's Report .

10.Address by Zonal Secretaries. 

11.Key note address by the Special Guest. 

12.Open session 

13.Vote of thanks 

ML Perumal

General Secretary

TNITPA, Chennai


1.All members

2.The Notice board 

3.The Registrar of Societies, Chennai.

4.The Secretary General, ITPF, New Delhi


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