Homage to Com KKN Kutty. Condolence Meeting 06.01.2023.

Regn. No: 262/2017 
( Registered under Tamil Nadu Societies Registration Act 1975 ) 
Ground Floor, Wanaparthy Block, Aayakar Bhavan 
121, Mahathma Gandhi Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai 600034
Tel: 9987454862, 9566038442 
Blog: tnitpensioners.blogspot.com                                                                   Email: itpfche@gmail.com

Date: 27.12.2022


                An All India level condolence meeting is being arranged jointly by the respective HQ of ITEF / ITGOA / ITPF in the memory and honour of our departed leader, Secretary General Com. KKN Kutty. The meeting will be held at 3.00 PM. on 06.01.2023, Friday in the Aayakar Bhavan Complex, Chennai. The national leaders of the respective federations are attending the above meeting to pay homage to the great leader. All the TNITPA members in Chennai and other Zones are requested to attend the meeting en masse.


(M L Perumal)
General Secretary
TNITPA Chennai
Member, National Executive Committee, Income Tax Pensioners Federation, New Delhi.


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